courtney bowlden | wow. those pictures are stunning!  (12.25.09 - 1:12PM)

Kevin Keith | What a great cause! I hope to get the opportunity to go there someday. Thanks for sharing! Love the photos. There is a story in everyone.  (12.16.09 - 12:32AM)

Christine Bentley | Just something else, I taught school for 8 years, I just can't help but notice the date on the "chalk Board" ...we are all dry erase now.....and see's 2009.....look at those babies in that in 2009, they should have so much more, thank God they will at least have fresh water.....can you imagine, and our schools complain cause the PTA doesn't have enough $$ to pay for field trips to museums....just a great prespective.....thanks for sharing these....  (12.15.09 - 1:29AM)

Christine Bentley | Well....I am not surprised! Once again you have taken your gift and shared with people, inspired people to help with this cause! AMAZING BOB! you are a great blogger....perhaps you should do more and let Dawn shoot! Really great job! You are amazing....truly just amazing! Love you guys and miss you! See you soon! XXOO  (12.15.09 - 1:25AM)

Evangeline Renee | Beautiful, moving and motivating shots!  (12.14.09 - 6:12PM)

DAWN DAVIS | And this is JUST the trailer. I can't wait to see the entire video he creates for Thirst Relief to use to promote their organization. They do amazing work all over the world!!!  (12.14.09 - 6:08PM)

kristieblakehancock | i'm truly at a lost of words...again....which is rare... WOW.WOW.WOW.WOW. WOW WOW WOW WOW i love you guys so much & am so blessed to have you OUR life.... WOW............................................. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo  (12.14.09 - 6:01PM)

Danny Kash | OMG!! I've been waiting for the video for so long! The video is incredible Bob! Its so inspiring that my words arent powerful enough to express them! Amazing work my friend!  (12.14.09 - 5:58PM)

Kenny Kim | Beautiful worded Bob & Dawn. The video captures the essence of our trip & I can wait to see what Anton does with all the footages that you guys captured coupled w/ the photos. We were definitely blessed to be there on this trip and I would travel the world with you guys again anytime!  (12.14.09 - 5:07PM)

Bob Davis | I am overwhelmed by the generosity of your encouraging words. I am blessed to work in an industry that embraces giving back. Kenny it was an honor to have you on this project the still images you captured help bring this story immediately to peoples attention. Check out Kenny's images. Jim Davis Hicks, thank you for having a vision and helping so many people around the globe through your passion and belief in Christ. Anton Lorimer, thank you for sharing in the creation of this film. I can't wait to see the final edit. Thank you to my beautiful bride Dawn for believing in me and encouraging me to follow my dreams and thank you to our kiddos Alli & Bobby for understanding when I'm away and taking care of mommy. I am forever grateful. Bob  (12.05.09 - 9:47PM)

nancy Balogh | Beautiful and moving Bob!  (12.05.09 - 7:26PM)

Dave Cheung | So awesome to see you giving back in such a tangible way. Be blessed!  (12.04.09 - 10:39PM)

Dennis Bullock | Amazing photos and opportunity guys!  (12.03.09 - 2:52PM)

pamela | baby toes are beautiful in every teeny tiny corner of the world, aren't they? much love & support to you as you continue to use your gifts for His service.  (12.03.09 - 9:46AM)

Jenny Duffy | I love the color in these images, and I'm so inspired by other photograhers using their gift for God! AmaZING!  (12.03.09 - 7:39AM)

Ryan Kelly | Wow. The photo of the class room really puts things into perspective. Can't wait for the video.  (12.02.09 - 11:01PM)

jim Davis-Hicks | Bob, it was such a joy to have you on this trip and get to know you better! Your an amazing photographer, videographer and an even more amazing person! Thank you. Jim Davis-Hicks  (12.02.09 - 9:01PM)

Jenn Gaudreau | Bob, these are so powerful. I am choked with emotion looking at them. What a beautiful opportunity you guys had to make a difference in people's lives- and the exciting thing is knowing that your images will continue to touch people's hearts and encourage them to give to Thirst Relief. Much love to you, Dawn and the kids....I know they're glad to have you back!  (12.02.09 - 5:51PM)

Jaclyn Simpson | These are amazing, Bob! It sounds like such an incredible experience. I can't wait to see the video!  (12.02.09 - 5:50PM)

Kenny Kim | Bob it was truly an honor to go on this trip with you. I know it was tough for you to not capture the images while shooting video - just the few you posted here are amazing. Let's hope this project will help get the message out to everyone about the water crisis!  (12.02.09 - 5:45PM)

tisha | Amazing perfection!! You guys are my hero's! I love everyone of these shots and the good deeds that went along with them. TFS :-)  (12.02.09 - 5:22PM)

Todd Pinckney | As always, amazing and moving images Bob! So awesome to hear how you are giving back your talents and gifts, I'm sure Thirst Relief and those they serve will be blessed immensely by your efforts. Looking forward to the video!  (12.02.09 - 3:41PM)

Brittany Dawson | So beautifully documented Bob - touching.  (12.02.09 - 3:04PM)

Amy Zellmer | Beautiful Bob! Absolutely moving!! I can't wait to see the video footage (and some Dubai pics!)  (12.02.09 - 3:01PM)

Danny Kash | UNREAL!! These amazing are sooooo MOVING!! Dont have words to describe these! Bob, I'm sure this trip was a trip of a lifetime! What an incredible opportunity! You and Dawn are truly blessed my dear friends! Cant waaaaaiiitt to see the Video!!!  (12.02.09 - 2:27PM)

Corey Hage | What an amazing opportunity. Looks like it is one of those "trips of a lifetime". Can't wait to see the video. Thanks for sharing!  (12.02.09 - 1:23PM)